Tuesday 9 November 2010

Fear of Success

Signs of Fear of Success - this comes from one of my favourite weblinks.

The biggest problem for many people is that their fear of success is largely unconscious. They just don't realize that they've been holding themselves back from doing something great.

If you experience the following thoughts or fears, you might have a fear of success on some level:

* You feel guilty about any success you have, no matter how small, because your friends, family, or co-workers haven't had the same success.

* You don't tell others about your accomplishments.

* You avoid or procrastinate on big projects, especially projects that could lead to recognition.

* You frequently compromise your own goals or agenda to avoid conflict in a group, or even conflict within your family.

* You self-sabotage (member only article) your work or dreams by convincing yourself that you're not good enough to achieve them.

* You feel, subconsciously, that you don't deserve to enjoy success in your life.

* You believe that if you do achieve success, you won't be able to sustain it. Eventually you'll fail, and end up backing a worse place from where you started. So you think, "why bother?"

This is an extract taken from a Mind Tools newsletter. If you want to see the full article click Mind Tools

1 comment:

  1. The first time I came across this was many years ago when Tony Robbins discussed it. It was an eye opener for me. Sabotaging our own success- I think we need to look hard at our values and beliefs to see why we do it. Doing this held all the answers for me.
