Sunday, 14 March 2010

Parts Integration

My coach sat down to do a goal setting session with me. This was my final session with her and although I’d resolved a whole host of work stuff (which was the whole purpose of it); there was still lots of stuff going on over what I actually wanted to do. Did I still want to work for this company I’d worked for, for so long? I knew the answer, but all the other stuff was just getting in the way. Stuff like, my flexible working hours, my salary, my routine, my home life.

My coach soon realised there was something behind my lack of commitment to goals. She suggested a technique called ‘parts integration’. I trusted her completely, though was concerned that the curious part of me would get in the way of it working.

I’m not going to tell you exactly what happened in the session – if you ever get to try this; I feel you’ll benefit more from not knowing in advance. But I never expected to feel what I felt, or understand what I understood. But it’s been a real, real turning point for me. I’ve finally turned a corner. Don’t get me wrong – there is so much I still need to understand, but no longer when I think about the future, do I talk myself out of it, I just cast those thoughts aside.


  1. Sounds very enlightening - but are you sure you're not just having a bit of a, ahem, er, well, like a bit of a. . . mid life crises?

    I'm kinda at the same point, but then I've always tended to go with the flow and trust my instincts to fulfil my needs. This has meant that the longest I've stayed in one job has been 2 years, the downside being I probably will regret it when I retire and don't have enough of a pension! I would imagine that being with a robust employer for 20 years will make jumping ship much more difficult.

    Good luck with whatever direction you choose. As long as you take time to quietly listen to your true inner self, and be guided by your instinct then you can be assured that whatever you choose it will ALWAYS be the right decision for you.

  2. Thanks PG. I think you're spot on. Trouble is there are so many sensible voices shouting in my head that the true inner self often gets drowned out. I'll try and listen more carefully.

  3. Good luck with your career green shoots and your new blog. Thanks very much for visiting mine. Will look forward to seeing how you are getting on.
    Parts integration- yes- very powerful experience
