Monday, 17 May 2010

Looking Back - Coaching for Success

Coaching for Success

About 3 years ago, a fellow Springboard helper told me about how she had been trained by my company as a workplace Coach…..

Workplace coaching she told me, is not about showing someone how to do a task, its about helping people to make their own decisions and solve their own problems.

I was instantly hooked. This sounded just like what I wanted to do, and my company were training people to do it.

When I got back to my desk I excitedly looked up the information on the company Intranet, rang the relevant people, and yes, I could do it, but before they paid for me to attend the full course, they’d prefer I did an introductory course (3 days) called “Coaching for Success”

I went back to my office, advertised for willing volunteers and successfully completed the practical element of the course – yippee.

In the 6 months this took. My company changed the rules. As I am not a line manager, I would not be permitted to attend the full corporate coaching course nor would I have been eligible for the 3 day course. Phew I’d got in just in time, but what a disappointment!!!!!

See previous looking back post

Springboard Women's Development for India: Women's Development Workbook

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